Have you ever considered an absolutely smooth refinishing for your bathtub? The fixture we’re about to discuss here will kick your bathtub up a notch. Not only will you have a white and sparkling bathtub finish, but you will also have a cozy and comfortable tub to soak into after a long and hard day.
However, some people believe it’s better to buy a new bathtub rather than having an old one reglazed. This way of thinking is primarily due to common reglazing myths floating around. Let’s bust these reglazing myths, and discover the benefits of reglazing.
Myth #1: Reglazing is Expensive
Some people believe bathtub reglazing is an expensive process. If their bathtub is old, they prefer buying a new one instead of having their existing bathtub reglazed. If you are planning to install a new bathtub, think about the entire process of removing the previous bathtub, purchasing the new one, and then installing it. A brand new tub combined with the labor costs will cost far more than reglazing an existing bathtub.
The Truth:
Reglazing isn’t expensive at all. The materials and the labor will cost far less than installing a brand-new tub from scratch. Moreover, the quality and finish of your existing tub won’t be compromised as long as you invest in professional bathtub refinishing in Brooklyn, New York.
Myth #2: The Materials Are Toxic
Another reason most people refrain from reglazing their bathtubs is that they believe the materials used in reglazing are toxic, which is far from the truth. Some of them even believe that breathing these materials will cause respiratory problems. The idea is to avoid the tub while it undergoes a reglazing project. In the meantime, you must let the expert handle everything.
The Truth
The good news is that the materials used in the reglazing process aren’t necessarily harmful. Moreover, the bathroom refinishing companies in NY use materials that meet safety standards.
They even use the right gear when reglazing your bathtub and make sure homeowners are far away from the work site. They also ensure proper ventilation to keep harmful fumes at bay. As long as you are working with a professional and reputable installer, you shouldn’t have anything to worry about.
Myth #3: It’s a Time-Consuming Process
Some people believe a reglazing project takes days or even weeks. They fear their day-to-day activities will be interrupted.
The Truth
The truth is, a reglazing project doesn’t take more than eight to ten hours to complete. Sure, some superior coatings may take somewhere between 48 to 72 hours; however, reglazing projects that last for more than a week are rare. Reglazing projects that take no more than a few hours result in installations that last for several years.
Final Word
In this article, we have busted all the common reglazing myths. Reglazing projects are affordable, don’t take too much time, and don’t need toxic chemicals. Your job as a homeowner is to hire a professional bathroom refinishing company in NY. To benefit from our services, visit our website today.
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