Remodeling a bathroom improves your quality of life as well as the value of your home. According to a remodeling study, innovative bathroom remodeling can increase the value of your residential property by over 50%.
Do you wish to add value to your home by giving your bathroom a sleek, modern look? A tub-to-shower conversion might be precisely the kind of remodeling your bathroom needs.
Bathtubs are now considered outdated. Here are a few reasons why you need to get a tub-to-shower conversion.
- Safety and Accessibility
It is pretty easy to slip while moving in or out of the tub. Tubs also cause mobility issues which is especially a problem for the elderly. A tub-to-shower conversion can lower the risk of injury and make the bathroom more accessible for you.
- Increased Space and Convenience
Shower stalls take less space in the bathroom, allowing more space to install a larger sink and other bathroom fixtures. The increased space also makes it convenient to wash your pets. The same applies for showering your little children.
- Cheaper Installation and Maintenance Costs
Installing a walk-in shower is very cost-effective as the installation is more straightforward and requires less labor. Not only are showers cheaper to install as compared to a bathtub, but they are also easier to maintain and reglaze in case of cracks or damage in the stall.
- Easier to Clean
Deep cleaning the fixtures of bathtubs can be very time-consuming and exhausting. Unlike bathtubs, walk-in showers are so much easier and convenient to clean. In fact, a shower with a trackless bottom pretty much eliminates the need for cleaning.
- Beauty and Style
Bathroom remodeling is not just about improving functionality and safety but also style. Choose from the many features and options available to fit your tastes. Make sure to hire professional bathroom remodeling contractors to help you achieve the shower of your dreams.
- Lower Water Consumption
As per the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), a full bathtub uses about 70 gallons of water. In comparison, a five-minute shower requires 10 to 25 gallons. Hence, a walk-in shower helps in saving water and consequently lowers your water bills.
Reglazing Plus, Inc. Provides Professional Tub Cut Services in NYC
We have over two decades of experience in tub-to-shower conversions for residential and commercial clients throughout New York. We offer the original tub cut process to help you maintain a safe environment in your bathroom without breaking your budget.
Our licensed staff is highly trained and educated in all phases of the reglazing industry. We are a trusted source for tile and bathtub reglazing, liners, and tub-to-shower conversions.
Contact us for more information.
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