Are you confused about whether you should reglaze your bathtub or get a brand-new bathtub once and for all?
Here are some pros and cons you should know about before making your final decision:
Why You Should Reglaze Your Bathtub
1. Affordable
If you are on a budget and cannot afford a new tub, you should definitely reglaze your bathtub. The cheapest bathtub will cost you $400– this does not include the piping, plumbing, and costs of discarding the old bathtub to install the new one.
On the other hand, reglazing your bathtub will cost you significantly less. You will be able to restore the original look of the tub while improving its aesthetics so that it looks as good as new.
2. Faster Turn-Around
Bathtub reglazing Brooklyn is such a common practice because this project does not take too much time to complete. Painting, priming, sanding, and repairing can be done within 24 hours.
Reglazing is perfect for individuals who only have one bathroom in the house- you will not be locked out of the bathroom all day, it will still remain functional, and you will have an amazing bathroom that looks new within a few hours!
If the bathtub takes more than a day to reglaze, take it as a sign that you need a new bathtub.
3. Allows You to Change Bathtub Colors
Another reason to reglaze your bathtub is how easily you can change the tub’s color. If you have not renovated your bathroom in years, changing the color of the bathtub would do the job perfectly.
Once the blemishes have been repaired and the cracks refilled and sanded, the tub will have to be cleaned and primed.
You can then think about which color you want your tub to be green, blue, pink, or blue- you can go as crazy as you want!
Drawbacks of Reglazing Your Bathtub
1. You Can Only Reglaze it Once
As long as your bathtub was never reglazed or was reglazed nicely on the first go, you can repair and renovate it as many times as you want.
However, if the first reglazing project did not work out as well as you wanted it to, or repairing the tub was never an option because of its shelf life, reglazing it again will not be a smart decision.
2. You Need to Take Precautions
Renovating a bathtub comes with a few safety hazards that you need to be conscious about. The reglazing process uses some chemicals that produce dangerous fumes one must be wary of.
As long as you wear a mask and install an exhaust fan to get rid of the fumes, you should be okay.
Bathtub reglazing NY is definitely a good idea if your bathtub looks poorly and is badly in need of renovation.
However, if you have reglazed it before and cracks have developed over time, you might as well get a new bathtub.
Are you still confused about whether you should reglaze your bathtub? Get in touch with Reglazing Plus so that we can help you decide what to do!
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