4 Ways to Stylize Your Bathroom Within a Budget

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Bathroom remodeling is perhaps the easiest way to give your house a new touch. You can play with the fixtures, wallpaper, flooring, and vanity and get creative even if you are on a budget.

If you are looking for creative bathroom renovation ideas, you have come to the right place! Read more below to get started.

1. Go Crazy With Paint

A new coat of paint can do wonders for your old bathroom look. If you are going for complete bathroom remodeling, try a mold or mildew-proof primer before you paint the surface. This will help with the longevity of the paint but it may be a little more expensive than regular products. You can experiment with various colors and palette shades to give your bathroom a new touch.

2. Reglaze Bathroom Tiles and the Bathtub

Tile and bathroom reglazing can quickly add a fresh touch to your bathroom surfaces. This option is great if you are on a budget, as it gives a new-bathroom look without adding or subtracting any new items. If you have white fixtures, you might need to get a reglazing job once in a while to maintain them.

A bathroom decorated with plants on the windowsill

3. Test Different Lightning

The impact of a simple light change in your bathroom is underrated. Swapping out the current lighting in your space is an inexpensive task and a rather significant one. If you want a creative look, try delicate lamp shades over the vanity and add lighting with a soft glow. You can also insert light holders in the ceiling and alternatively go for dim spotlights right above the mirror for a rustic look.

4. Accessorize With Plants

No one ever said bathroom remodeling needs to be huge. You can move a few things around or add accessories like small potted plants to add color and style to your bathroom. You can place a large snake plant on the bathroom floor, decorate the windowsill with small pots, or use flowers to add color to the vanity.

There are numerous ways to get creative with your bathroom. With minimal effort, you can experiment with new wallpaper, curtains, pictures, and even window treatments for simple bathroom-style touchups.

With Reglazing Plus, Inc., remodel your bathroom with the help of experts in no time. We provide multiple services, such as bathroom remodeling, bathtub refinishing, and tub cuts, all within the vicinity of New York. We have special offers for our customers so ask away when you hire us.

Contact us now for more information, or read more about us here.

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