Pros and Cons of Bathtub Reglazing

Your bathtub is one of the most important and relaxing features of the bathroom. However, with time, its quality starts to deteriorate. At one point or another, you might consider replacing it. But if you’re on a tight budget, replacement may not be an option.

Fortunately, there’s another solution to follow; a professional bathtub refurbishing NY project. Bathtub refurbishing or reglazing involves restoration, such as filling cracks and chips. Moreover, the outer laying of the bathtub is primed, painted, and buffed to make it appear as good as new.

But like any other thing, it also comes with its set of pros and cons. Let’s take a look at the pros and cons of bathtub reglazing NY.

Benefits of Bathtub Reglazing

bathtub reglazing Brooklyn

Let’s start with the pros. Here are all the benefits of getting your bathtub reglazed:

Your Bathtub Looks Brand New

Reglazed bathtubs look just as good as any new bathtub. With professionals working on the bathtub reglazing project, no one will be able to tell whether your bathtub is new or a few decades old. All the cracks are filled in the initial stages. Afterward, your tub is primed, painted, and buffed. The attention to detail during these steps gives your bathtub and the entire bathroom a much-needed transformation.

It’s Lighter on the Pocket

Bathroom remodeling in NY costs approximately $10,788 on average. And the cost of simply replacing the bathtub can go as high as $1000 with labor, materials, etc. Not everyone can afford to make drastic transformations. Fortunately, of the benefits of bathtub reglazing is that it can make your bathtub look as good as new at a fraction of the price.

It’s Better for the Environment

When you replace your old bathtub with a new one; it leads to thousands of pounds of trash filling the landfills. In contrast, if you opt for reglazing, it does not lead to any excessive wastage, making it a safer choice for the environment, despite the use of chemicals.

Disadvantages of Bathtub Reglazing

bathtub refinishing NYC

Let’s now look at the downsides of bathtub reglazing:

Reglazing Doesn’t Work On Severely Damaged Tubs

If your bathtub has sustained significant damage over the years, reglazing may not be the ideal solution for you. In this case, replacement might be a more viable option. Even if you do get the tub reglazed, it can look out of place or imperfect due to all the structural damage.

It’s Not Suitable for a DIY Project

While reglazing sounds like a simple enough job, it requires using several types of chemicals and equipment that must be used carefully. Even a small mistake can lead to dangerous outcomes. But professionals use safety gear to ensure this doesn’t happen. It’s better to leave reglazing jobs up to the pros.

Get Started on Your Reglazing Project with Reglazing Plus

Bathtub refinishing is an affordable solution. And the benefits of bathroom reglazing definitely outweigh the downsides unless you have a severely damaged tub.

Whether you need reglazing or bathroom remodeling in Brooklyn, NY, Reglazing Plus is ready to help. Contact us today to get started. We are among the best bathroom refinishing companies NY has to offer.

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